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Friday 12 June 2015

U.S President Barack Obama revealed that he's daughter work harder than he did, at least when he was their age...

President Barack Obama admitted in a recent interview that he thinks his two teenage work harder than he did as a kid.
"The truth is the girls are wonderful," Obama told "Extra." "You know they work hard, they work a lot harder than I ever did when I was a kid." 
"Most importantly, they're kind, they're respectful, they don't have an attitude," he said. "Partly because maybe my mother-in-law was here, you know we say we don't want to see any attitude out of them. And they've been terrific."

Obama added that his daughters still thought their dad was embarrassing.
Last summer, Malia Obama worked as a production assistant on Stephen Spielberg's show "Extant" on CBS.
Obama has joked about slacking offas a young man in the past and said that his schooling helped him shape up.
"My mother, my grandparents, they pushed me to excel. They pushed me to excel. They refused to let me make excuses," Obama said in 2011. "And they kept pushing me, especially on those rare occasions when I'd slack off or get into trouble. They weren't that rare actually."
He continued: "I'm so blessed that they kept pushing. I'm so lucky that my teachers kept pushing. Because education made all the difference in my life."
The first family is so beautiful. Hope the new first family will be just as beautiful. The White House is Beautiful so it's not too much to ask for. 

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