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Monday 11 April 2016

Aproko Patrol:Details of the Professor that got a beat down during the protest...

Haa! I still can't believe this news.

A certain Professor and former Dean of Social Science was given the beaten of his life today... 

Apparently while the protest was going on this certain Professor was at the faculty of Social Sciences in Abuja Campus lecturing and some students with personal vendetta with him, went to the hall where he was teaching,asked the students to leave the class and beat the baby Jeeziz outta him. 
Hmmm! I'm still in shock and I can't believe it either. 
Anyways, let me still go and confirm this aproko. 
I will ask my friends to comment the name of the Professor for those that wanna really know who he is... But it's all priveleged gist. If you want the deets just see me in my office (comments section) and I'll tell you who the lecturer is...

Back to catching up on my Tv series. I'm actually watching Once upon a time S5E17...
BRB with more tori for town...  

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