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Tuesday 1 March 2016

Wetin Dey sup?

Hello, so this will be the first 'Wetin Dey Sup' post. This post is really about the things that I don't understand about the world we live in. Everyday I run into things and I ask myself? Am I living under a rock? Did I time travel to a parallel universe when this trend started? Who's dumb idea was this?
Today I'm going to talk about, 'Pre pregnancy photo shoot.'
 First and foremost I'm a woman and I'm a lover of God and His son Jesus that HE was so passionate enough to send down to earth to die for us.
I'm not a saint but Atleast when something is morally wrong, i know to shy away from it. 
As humans our body is the temple of the Lord. I'm pretty sure we should leave it as such. 
I really don't know how this trend started, but i strongly feel it was done by models and actual celebs, they probably get paid millions of dollars to strip down or flash their baby bump during a Photo shoot. 
And I'm sure we can all agree that we will drop our bible one side and take N50k just to strip down for any photo shoot. 
I'm a bit confused now that every baby mama to be is doing it. 
First, big tummy ain't a sight for sore eyes then add the baby bump,swollen lips and nose.
On Instagram these days, all thanks to Bella Naija and other wedding hubs they have worshiped trends so much so that every lady feels like for them to belong they gats to do it and you see their hubby's committing and allowing their wives strip down in front of a photographer aka total stranger, the hubby's even kiss the belle,hold it,rub it? (Bro Please!You ain't Kimye) 
I can't really! I mean we still Nigerians and we have culture. 
If We will copy let's copy well and get our facts straight. 
When you do your research you will find out that the people that started this trend are Magazines and the people that they take shots of get paid and they are celebs. They so reach so they don't care about what the world thinks of them. Enough said. 

Now let's skip to when the baby is born and grows up. In this gizmo era pictures are never erased, what kind of person do you want your kids to see you as when they grow up? Is it that they've ruled out the fact that a baby is involved? 
When it's time to scold your child I'm pretty sure he/she will quickly hold the picture up to tell mom,

'Can you just STFU?'
'I mean I have the pictures to prove that you have no morals! You ain't no saint.'
Anyways just saying, what do I even know? 
'So Dear Mom to be, 
'Respect yourself and your unborn child that's the future of tomorrow don't dent their names because you don't know how to copy... When your pregnant be more focused on the fact that you have to survive labor. Take the time to pray for safe delivery and just enjoy being a wife. Cause when that baby comes your life will be changed forever...'
When copying trends like this biko just copy all,compare yourself with the person. If your on the same level with whoever then by all means, strip down! I mean even flash some more and show us where the baby is gon come out from.
Go big or don't go at all and stay at home,so you won't have to go back home when you don't go big because you will still be at home cause you never left...
So who's with me? Do you also loathe this pre-pregnancy photoshoot? Do you love it? If yes! why?

Share your thoughts and comments in the comments section below... 
Ngwa bye... 

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