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Friday 14 August 2015

Exclusive Photos: Behind New Lecture Hall after the heavy rain today

I'm sure by now we can all agree that I'm a serious student. My NAS days are over but I think I miss those days. You know? Those days when because it's raining I won't go to school because I'm salt.
So I took the pictures when the class was over. Oh what I would have done for a boat or canoe. Or even a magic flying carpet. More pictures after the cut...

Being a serious student just bit me in the a***.So today Friday as a serious student I had a class by 2pm and even with the bad weather I went to school. The rain was unusually heavy I just forced myself to attend the class and I regretted it. I couldn't keep my eyes open. But that's a story for another day. So when I got to school eventually and was heading to class at CBN Hall Abuja Campus,University of Port harcourt  the road in front of me looked unfamiliar like i couldn't recognize the road because of how crappy it was. OMG! Its very bad I got to admit. A university like Uniport see crappy road. And to think that this school was No.6 on the list of top 30 African Universities.

I mean...
Who do we call to come to our aid? 

Thank God I didn't slip and fall, Praise Jesus! #Blessed
Ps: Sorry Agozie, Puki and Ify... I had to use these pictures. Lolz. 


  1. Chei Jesus why tochi why a sister was struggling to jump. Lol oh uniport

  2. Smh. I feel you.
