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Wednesday 2 September 2015

NNPC plans to start using drones to end oil thefts within eight months

Nigeria has announced that it will deploy drones to curb oil thefts in the country. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu,the newly appointed chief of state-run oil company Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) made the announcement.

Nigeria is Africa’s biggest oil producer and oil generates about 70% of government revenues. However, frequent thefts and pipeline attacks affect the country’s oil production. President  Buhari, who vowed his administration will end corruption, alleged that around 250,000 barrels of Nigerian crude oil are stolen every day and sold to other countries.
Kachikwu said in a statement:

 “We are launching an armada of approaches which will include incorporation of drones to check movements of vessels within our territorial waters. We are looking at the current logistical nightmares of changing staffing at the loading bay.”

 He added that NNPC will work closely with the navy to increase patrols. Oil thefts are expected to end within the next eight months, according to the statement.

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