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Wednesday 4 February 2015

Not smiling prevents wrinkles

Apparently people are taking this not smiling to avoid wrinkles in seriously.

Kim k mentioned it this one time that not smiling prevents wrinkles. Like aging is disease or something.? 

   Anyways, 50 year old Tess Christian claims she hasn't smiled for 40 years, OHHHH! To avoid wrinkle and maintain her youthful look. 

In an interview with Daily Mail, "I don't have wrinkles because I've trained myself to control my facial muscles , Says Tess...

‘Everyone asks if I’ve had Botox, but I haven’t, and I know that it’s thanks to the fact I haven’t laughed or smiled since I was a teenager. My dedication has paid off, I don’t have a single line on my face’“. “‘Yes, I am vain and want to remain youthful. My strategy is more natural than Botox and more effective than any expensive beauty cream or facial.’“ - 

You think that’s odd? Well, some dermatologists actually think this trick might actually be effective
Dermatologist Dr. Nick Lowe tells Daily Mail – ‘It can be an effective anti-ageing technique. Undoubtedly, there are some actresses who have retrained their facial expressions to this end‘. He continues by saying that wrinkles are generally caused by constant smiling, and frown lines by the muscles in your face. This makes the connective tissue to fold under the skin. If this is true, then minimising the frequency of your smiles may help to reduce the wrinkles or lines on your face. Read more of the story on - See more at:

Wonders shall never end! Is not even possible to not smile for a whole day needles to say 40 whole years. She 50 now and so she started the straight for challenge when she was 10? 

Let me know what u think In the comment section. Is she saying the truth or not! ?

Talk soon. Xoxo

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