Monday 22 February 2016

Tochi's Blog Exclusive Interview: Fast and Rising star 'Wendy Anwurichi Elenwo'...

Hello Everybody all up in here, Meet my friend Wendy, Here's a quick backstory, she's actually my friend from school and during our final days in Uniport we were inseparable. Always together like Phone and Battery. I say final days in Uniport like it was a million years ago. It was just last year.  
 I  just woke up one day and I decided to interview Wendy. She's actually an upcoming actress that recently starred along side Nollywood Alumni Liz Benson and Daniel K Daniel in the movie 'Mummy Dearest'...
Read the interview after the jump: 

Hi Wendy,
Wendy: Hi
How are you today?
I'm fine,thank you.
Thanks for granting us this interview it means so much,
Thanks for having me...
For people that don't already know, what's your Name? 
Elenwo Anwurichi Wendy

How old are you?
I'll be 25 on the 7th of May.

What's you state of Origin? 
I'm from Rivers State...

What secondary school did you attend? 
I Attended Lao Russel Secondary School Port Harcourt.
What was your major in University? 
I studied Political Science in the university of port Harcourt. 

What made you venture into acting? 
I had always had a special likeness for acting,even when I was a kid will come back from school and start acting,am doing it for the passion of it not fame...

Who's your role model in Nollywood? 
I love Joke Silva, she's my role model. 

 What kind of films are u really interested in ?
Interested in films that portray good messages and shows people good examples of how to live a better life...
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5years? I see myself as a mother wife and Hollywood big star...

Can you name the big time Nollywood actors you've worked with?
Top actors worked with so far Daniel K Daniel and Liz Benson in Mummy Dearest. 

You were still in school when you played a role in Mummy Dearest, How were you able to joggle it? Classes and all?
It was tough,missed out on one test,I was on set for a month,then came back had to study times two of how I normally study to cover up,and my friends really helped out too.

Which Hollywood actor would you like to work with in the not too distant future?
Hollywood star I will like to work with definitely Denzel Washington.

And which Nollywood & Hollywood star Do you have a major crush on?
Nollywood star blossom chukwujeku . Hollywood crush Terrence J.

Why Denzel? Why not our fellow Nigerian Brother 'Chiwetel Ejiofor'?
Hehehehe I just love Denzel in action.

You know M.I. right? The rapper? 

These days he calls himself 'Young Denzel', will you manage him in place of the actual 'Denzel'?

When you first Auditioned for mommy dearest, did you ever think that you would get a call back?
Yes I did,but never taught it will be the sub-lead role.

What has life been like since the premiere of  'Mummy Dearest'? Do you get a lot of OMG that's the girl from Mummy Dearest?
Yes sometimes I get a call out, not really that popular yet...

You recently graduated from school, while your waiting for NYSC, what are you up?
First am resting from 5years wahala, then I have been practicing with a book I recently got "Acting skills for life " by Ron Cameron.

Finally, do you plan to write and produce a movie in the not too distant future?
Yes definitely a good movie that will tear the box office.

Awwn! We will keep you in our prayers. So Mummy Dearest is now available on DVD go get yours. 

Keep up with Wendy on social media...
Facebook; Elenwo Anwurichi Wendy 
Instagram: @mzanwurichi
Twitter; @pinkpurpish


  1. wendy Elenwo7:36 pm GMT+1

    Yes...thanks so much @Tochi friendship of life ��

  2. HeHehehhee.... Nor be small tin. You go Girl!

  3. Nice one fikifiki crew
