Saturday 1 August 2015

Photos: Anointed Tailors, Rumuogba Estate Road goes up in Flames

I'm actually so shocked! I passed this place a few minutes ago, before my elder sister called me to confirm if we were safe.
 It's very sad. From what I was able to gather it was just one person injured. The generator was been fixed and they brought light and one thing led to another,they saw a spark and went to check, same person that went to check ran out screaming,

 'Madam Office dey burn ,Madam office dey burn' .
 Which brings us to now, More pictures after the cut...

The walk from where I stay to the scene of the incident is about 5 minutes. And I stroll I don't really walk fast. My point is?! This fire had already consumed the office of the owner before the fire fighters cat- walked here. Can you imagine that? There's  'Shell IA' like half a mile from here and it took them more than 40 minutes to arrive.

As of the time i left their the fire had gone down.
We need to work on our Emergency hotlines and the rescue teams. I don't know why it took them this long but we can all guess that it's lack of one thing or the other. After all we are in Nigeria. It's the Nigerian Economy.

Meanwhile, i heard one weird gist that when the injured victim was rushed to the hospital, they were asking for money before they attend to him.

'Oh sorry, we forgot  to take money out of the burning house'.

Like i said, 'It's the Nigerian Economy'.

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