Sunday 8 February 2015

Woman stabs husband to death

In recent times I've come to realize that we have some creeps roaming the streets. This is the kind of murder you only see in movies. How a woman will stab her hubby and watch him die is beyond me.

Henry Gagariga a lawyer that lives in Bayelsa state was stabbed in the neck by he's wife Victoria, during one of there many quarrels. Friends of the deceased confirmed that this wasn't the first time she's stabbed him, it's like tradition for them. She is in police custody. How a man will stay with a woman that stabs him steady like he's some piece of meat! Is also beyond me.
May God forgive her and May the soul of Henry Rest in peace.

    I did my research And I've drawn my conclusion. The lady in question wanted her hubby dead. If she stabbed him in anger and didn't plan to kill him she would have called 911 or probably rush him to the hospital. She wanted him dead. First she stabbed him and pulled out the murder weapon, thus making his blood drain. 

I feel sorry for the man. This should be a wake up call to them guys that always want to act like they are too wise by deceiving other girls and marrying the wrong person. I've come to realize that most marriages that end like this or divorce are marriages that was never supposed to happen. A lot of men just propose to the next girl they meet without actually getting to them. Everybody has There soul mate. The one that's meant to be there wife till eternity. The key to finding you soul mate is patience. They say those that are meant to be together will always meet come what may. Some guys and girls always make the wrong decision when it's time to settle down. Most girls just rush into marriage with a guy that deep down they don't love all because of competition? Or time is passing by? And most guys deceive and hurt the girl that's really meant for them and end up marrying the fake girl. Girls like this lady that killed her own husband. Like I said the key to settling down with the right person is patience. Set whoever it is set them free they'll return if it's meant to be. 
Don't go rushing into a marriage because your friends are getting married, Take your time and pray about it,study your bae . 
     Be sure to investigate the person you want to settle down with, Forever is a long time to spend with someone that's not your soul mate...
       Marry someone u love like you love your family. You can never get tired or stop loving your family. Take from this message what you will. Bottom line is be a good person. Be nice,caring,loving and you know... 

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